Great News! You
got a website?
Make money now without lifting a finger!
Let your Website
make money for you.
Join now the
AGORAMA.COM. Affiliate Program!
In just
3 simple steps:
Place the AGORAMA.COM Banner on
your Website within a frame etc., so it appears on every
page throughout your site (including the respective link we give you containing
your Affiliate ID.)
The Affiliate
fills in the
online application
with his data and we email him / her, an
Affiliate ID and further instructions.
Everytime someone
clicks on the
AGORAMA.COM Banner from the Affiliate's
Website to
and this results to a successful purchase, our Affiliate Partner
is paid a commisiïn to his / her
bank account (Valid only for EU Citizens with accounts in EU Countries)
or via
When the purchase is taking place, the
Affiliate's ID is recorded and this is how we know to whom we should pay the
money. Customers are
traced through cookies.
is obtained at the time the "pass" from the Affiliate's
AGORAMA.COM by clicking on
the banner. The
cookie has a
specific time life and is controlled at the time of the purchase.
Every affiliate can check his/ her account statistics.